CSC command prompt problem



can anyone tell me why I may be getting a compiler limit exceeded error
(cs1034) for the following command. --- csc /t:library /out:reocs.dll
reocs.cs /r:System.dll,System.Web.dll,Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Kent said:
can anyone tell me why I may be getting a compiler limit exceeded error
(cs1034) for the following command. --- csc /t:library /out:reocs.dll
reocs.cs /r:System.dll,System.Web.dll,Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll

It may well depend on the contents of reocs.cs - do you have any
particularly large lines in there?

Note that System.dll and System.Web.dll are both included automatically
from csc.rsp (in the framework directory) by default.

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