crosslinked boot drives


Mudd Means

I'm not even sure if this is what's happening, but hear me out. I've used
the XP compatible version of Norton Ghost for some time to back up my master
HDD to the slave on the primary IDE port with no problems.
A couple of days ago I tried to replace the slave with a larger drive only
to find that my system will no longer boot without it! I've verified in the
bios that the master is the "C" drive and the slave is the "D" drive,
however when I look in My Computer I find that just the opposite is true.
Next I tried to remove the master from the system, set the bios
appropriately and the system WILL boot with the slave drive. But the
population of desktop icons is not complete. Reinstalling the master HDD and
rebooting the system results in all the icons and all seems to work well.
What's happened? Did system files become "Crosslinked"? Is such a thing
possible?? I'm freakin' cuz I can't backup my system and I sure as heck
don't want to do a new install of XP.


Harry Ohrn

Not that I want to be seen as passing the buck here but have you consulted
with Symantec support to see if they have any suggestions for you. The issue
is related to Norton Ghost and really isn't a Microsoft Windows XP issue.

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