Criteria in my Query



I'm sure this is a very easy question to answer but I am new to access so
sorry. I have a list of report names and for my query I want the user to
enter the report name but not have to enter the entire name. For example, if
the reports name is "access database report" I want the user to be able to
enter "access" and have that report show up. Any help would be appreciated.

kingston via

Are you attempting to do this with a combobox? Set the Auto Expand property
to Yes.


You can use a wild card search using Like

Under the report field name enter the criteria
Like "*" & [Please select a report name] & "*"

Or in SQL:

Select * From TableName Where
ReportNameField Like "*" & [Please select a report name] & "*"

The user will be prompt with the message "Please select a report" and it
will list all the records that contain that string


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