Creating Worksheets from Existing Excel Instances in VB.NET?



Hi everyone,

I use the following code whenever I export to Excel from VB.NET

objExcel = New Excel.Application()
objWorkBooks = objExcel.Workbooks
objWorkBook = objWorkBooks.Add
objWorkSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet

The problem is that every time I need to export, it results in creating
a new instance of Excel in memory. Excel is a bit of a resource hog,
and suffers from memory leaks. Is there a way to open another
worksheet from an Excel process/instance that is already running if
there is one?

How would I do this?



If objExcel is nothing then
objExcel = New Excel.Application()
End if

Use that code and you won't generate a new Excel application every time.


objExcel is not a global variable and only accessible in this function.
If Excel is already opened manually by the user I would like to use
that instance as well. Is there a way to attach to an existing

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