Creating switches



I have a simple booking form but i have three charging tariffs simpl
cacls tell me the cost based on the hours this is achived by manuall
inserting a refrence cost,
*for instance:*
the hirer wishes to hire a hall fore 3 hours @ £8.50 p/h total £25.5
this is my band (A) tariff now i would like this total (25.50) to b
placed into colum A on sheet 2 and so on band (B) & (C) it does no
matter if a separate entry is entered on each booking or they are adde
together giving a single total in each of the tariff colums. B
selecting either one of the tariffs on booking form (sheet A) i wan
the result total to be placed ind corisponding colum on sheet 2

also is there a way of selecting the charging tariff instead o
manually entering each time as i feel they may be linked
IE: list box ec

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