Creating Recovery CD problem



I am trying to create an embedded XP recovery CD according to the article
in msdn library. Everything goes smooth. I happily bring my newly created
recovery CD to try on my target device, it boot up correctly ..Follwing the
steps from the article :

at command prompt
regsvr32 sdiaut.dll --> this works correctly

next step
sdimgr.wsf recovery.sdi /writedisk:0 /yes

this gives me error

"D:\SDIMGR.WSF(2294, 4) SDIAUT.SDIFile.1: Access is denied."

Please help....
thanks and regards...



How did you create your SDI file?
Can you show us the output of the command "sdimgr.wsf recovery.sdi"?


PS. I have seen issues with "sdimgr /writedisk" when I was using a SDI file off a network read-only share. Only cure for that time
was to make the share write-only. I could not understand that time why WriteDiskBlobToPhysicalDrive was trying to lock my source
In case of CD-ROM you have only choice of read-only access. Although it all should work just fine.
Anyway.. For testing purposes do you have a way to connect a second HDD (partitioned, fotmatted) to your target? If so, make sure
you see it from the recovery image. Copy SDI file to it and run sdimgr /writedisk comamnd from that second HDD to write the blob to
first HDD. This way you will see if it will work with your SDI file.



i tried the command "sdimgr.wsf recovery.sdi" the output is :

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Cooperation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

SDI File Manager version 1.00.621
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.

D:\SDIMGR.WSF(2294, 4) SDIAUT.SDIFile.1: Access is denied.

Which is the same error. If I use sdimgr.wsf recovery.sdi /check, it suppose
to be able to check the integrity of the sdi file. It returns same error.

Probrably the author of the msdn article should put a few words here.

thanks and regards,



I am sorry, I forgot to mention that you better send us the output from the command launched not from CD but from HDD (e.g., the one
where you captured the SDI file from).

And explain us a little bit how you created the SDI file (steps).

Also, try to change the source of the recovery.sdi from CD to HDD (I mean just copy it to a second HDD and then issue "sdimgr
/writedisk" on the first HDD).




I did a little test on KM's advice
(connect a second HDD, copy the sdi file over and run sdimgr.swf
recovery.sdi /writedisk:1 .) It works . I did another test on my
development PC using the sdi loader , if i set the sdi file to read-only , it
cannot be loaded also.

Please advice,

thanks regards and Merry Christmas.



Well.. I never tested running sdimgr with a sdi file on CD-ROM media. I can jsut wonder how the author of the article avoided the
read-only problems.

Anyway, you have some other choices:
1) Instead of using WinPE, you can create your own mini XPe image bootable from a CD (El-Torito, EWF) to use the same SDI file
to expand it on the HDD. Since the media is not really going to be read-only (EWF just redirects write calls) you can do the
recovery with no problems.

2) You can create a more complicated recovery scheme based on WinPE disk.
You can create a script that will dynamically partition the HDD on two partitions at least (use diskpart command) and format the
second one (use format command). Then you copy SDI file to the second partition and expand it to the first one with command like
"sdimgr /writepart...".
From the image point of view, the only difference would be that you now have to capture not the entire disk (sdimgr /readdisk) but
only the main partition blob (sdimgr /readpart).




I have been following every single step on the msdn article, i don't want
to cut

and paste here. The only thing i am not sure and not mention in the article

whether to use "basic" volume or "dynamic" volume.

thanks n regards,


hi KM, do you know where I can file a report/complaint to msdn library
article ? :)


Daniel Simpson \(MS\)


I have noted the issue and will follow up with the author. A bug has been
generated and we will update the article as soon as possible.



So, is it in fact true that it is impossible to make a recovery CD using
WinPE and SDI Mgr? My own tests seem to confirm this.

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