Creating new appointment & setting its properties



Hello everybody!

This is my first message here and first macro I'm trying to do in
Outlook (I did some for Excel before, albeit with macro recorder =)

Basically, I'm creating a new appointment (the code was borrowed from a
message from this group or some forum). Below is part of the code and 2
things I'm struggling to do.

With objAppointment
.Subject = "Call "
.Start = ' PROBLEM 1: Here I want to put a time of a current
selection in a daily view of the calendar (don't know how to do it)
.Duration = 5
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 0
End With

PROBLEM 2: When appointment is created and opened I was the cursor to
be in a subject line after the word "Call ", so that I can finish
typing the subject, eg. "Call Bill Gates" =)

Would appreciate any advise. Thank you!

Brian Tillman

dim4x4 said:
This is my first message here and first macro I'm trying to do in
Outlook (I did some for Excel before, albeit with macro recorder =)

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