creating mailboxes on exchange 2003 clusters



I use C# to connect a database with student information directly to the
Active Directory (2003). This means that as the student is enlisted an
account and mailbox is created in the active directory. Creating users is
flawless en mailbox creating went perfect against a single exhange server
using code from KB article 313114 of which part is displayed below.

mailbox = (IMailboxStore)user.NativeObject;

Now I need to let this code run against an exhange cluster and I can't get
it to work. It gives "There is no such object on the server" errors. I
personally think that somhow the homeMDB url is incorrect. But I can't find
any information on what the differences might be between the path on a
cluster or 'normal' exchange machine. I traced the path using ldap browsers
and it looks to be correct.

Any insights are welcome.

Arild Bakken

You don't post the value of the homeMDB parameter you are using. The homeMDB
should be in the form:

CN=Administrative Groups,CN=EXCHANGEORGNAME,
CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,

Replace captical valuenames with appropriate values. There is really no
difference in clustered or normal exhcange MDB paths... You can use ADSI
edit to locate the mailstore's distinguished name in active directory.


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