creating email Forms, please help!


Jeff Davis

(this is a repost of a question that I asked on August 19
which got 0 replies. I really need some help!)
I am trying to make up some email forms for frequently
sent emails in Outlook 2000 on a Win 98 machine (sorry!).
Each of the emails consist of the same custom HTML
stationary with a different text message in the body.
I have created 20 of these and saved them as Drafts. Now I
am turning these into Forms which end up being stored in
User Templates in File System. To do this, I open each
draft email and then chose Save As and change the file
type to .oft Outlook template, named it and hit Save.
Problem is, when I go to use the Forms to create new email
messages, some of them open up as plain text which deletes
all of my HTML. Some work just as expected and create my
HTML email. I cannot figure out the difference or problem.
I am creating and saving them all exactly the same way,
using the same keystrokes etc. I have tried re-creating
them over and over to get the bad ones to work. I got one
to work and I cannot tell you what I did
differently (if anything)!

Andrew Cushen

Just a quick thought-

Have you checked the Contacts you're sending the problem e-
mails to? There is an option somewhere to always send
plain text e-mails to a given Contact.

You also might try setting the TOOLS | OPTIONS | MAIL
FORMAT setting to HTML.



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