Creating custom install wizard



Hello All.
I have a windows service, that monitors file directory.
Now I'm trying to create custom install wizard for this service. I added
projectinstaller class to my application, where I specified properties like
ServiceName, DisplayName and so on.

What I like to do, is to add one more dialog screen with the test box and
"Browse" button to the installation wizard and provide user with the ability
to select/change service monitoring directory. Same like user can change
program installation path.

I spend so much time and can't find any solution.
Please help.



I suppose you are using Microsoft VisualStudio.Net 2003. There are two ways
to create Setup Projects. (i) Add Setup Wizard or (ii) Add Setup Project.
In either case, when your setup project is completely loaded, just at the
top 'Solution Explorer' few buttons are there namely - (i) File System
Editor, (ii) Registry Editor, (iii) File Types Editor (iv) User Interface
Editor and so on..
You can use this 'USER INTERFACE EDITOR' to customize your dialog boxex.

Mayur Tendulkar
Electrical Engineer
Pune, India


1) I was able to add dialog box with the text box on it to my installation
interface by using 'USER INTERFACE EDITOR' So now user has ability to change
monitoring directory by typing new path.
2. Now I need to have installer change this settings inside the config file.
How would I do this?


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