Creating a Windows 2000 Test Domain



What I would like to accomplish is to be able to take a
copy of an existing active directory database to be used
into a test environment. Where I am stuck is what would be
the best way to accomplish this. I was thinking along the
same lines like we used to do with NT4 which was to create
a new BDC, take it off-line and then promote it to a PDC
in a disconnected network. I could do the same sort of
thing by promoting a member server to a domain controller,
disconnecting it and then seizing all roles in a test
environment. However, that would leave references to the
temporary server in the production active directory

Any recommendations about the best way to proceed?

Mark Renoden [MSFT]

Hi Chazzy

You're basically on the right track. You'd just need to tidy up your
production environment afterwards by following:

216498 How To Remove Data in Active Directory After an Unsuccessful

Just step through this and remove the references to the machine you've moved
to the test environment.

Mark Renoden [MSFT]
Windows Platform Support Team
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Please note you'll need to strip ".online" from my email address to email
me; I'll post a response back to the group.

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