Creating a macro to open as save other selected Excel sheets



How can one create a macro that open another workbook that detects if
the workbook is allready open? Example: If I run my macro to activate
the window,but the book is not open, it shows an error. The same if I
run my macro to open the workbook, but it is allready open it shows
I would aso like to know how my macro can detect, when saving a
spesific sheet in my workbook to a new workbook ander a given file
name(ex."BACKUPSHEET.xls"), if the name in that folder allready exists
and then save it with a simular name but not the same(ex: "BACKUPSHEET
I would appreciate it if some one can help me with these problems.

Norman Jones

Hi Wessie,

One way:

Public Sub Tester()
Dim wb As Workbook

On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks("YourBook.xls")
On Error GoTo 0

If wb Is Nothing Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:="YourBook.xls"
End If

End Sub

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