Creating a label on a report that counts an aggregate total

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I have a report that summarizes total overtime hours by section. Right now,
the report simply shows the names of the sections and the respective overtime
hours worked under each section. What I would like on the report is another
field that shows the subtract the total overtime hours per section from the
Overtime Budget for that section.

So i want to know how to create a label or something that obtains its data
by subtracting a number that i will provide from the overtime hours worked by
that particular section. (i.e. 14,600 - Total A Watch Section Overtime
Hours). Note: The Budget number is different for each section
You have a report that has a Group Header for each section, and an Overtime
Budget text box in that header. In the Detail section, you have a field
named Overtime Hours, and you want to make a running total, and show how
much of the budget is left at each row.

In the Detail section, add another text box, and give it these properties:
Control Source =[Overtime Hours]
Running Sum Over Group
Name txtOvertimeHoursRS
Visible No
This box will provide a running sum of the hours used for the section.

Now add another text box to the detail section, and set these property:
Control Source =[Overtime Budget] - [txtOvertimeHoursRS]