creating a formula



I know I need to use a vlookup. My workbook has 20 worksheets. The first
sheet is where I need the formula. I need the total from each of the other
pages. But based on days past due. If less than 30, more than 30 but less
than 60, like that.
The days past due are in column g.
I need the sum from column e of all the ones that are past due (less than
30, or more than 30 but less than 6o,)
Like this the past due has 55 days then the result from colum e needs to be
returned but with all the other results from column e that are also in that

Jason Morin

Try something like:


This is set up to sum values in col. E where col. G is
less than 30. The assumption here is your sheets are
named Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. If not, you could list your
sheet names in A1:A20 of the current sheet and use:


Atlanta, GA


#Ref is what I get when I use that.
By the way I do have the sheet names on the on the first sheet which is
where I am putting the totals at.


Thanks, I figured it out. I needed a conditional sum formula. Your example
was similiar to what I needed. Thank you.

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