CreateMHTMLBody throws Unknown Error



I have a .Net web app (VB) that is creating CDO messages. We save a bunch of
content from various sources as a web page on our web server. We then build a
CDO message and use CreateMHTMLBody to send the web page. This takes care of
embedding images, etc so we don't have to worry about spam filters (it's an
internal app so I'm not spamming anyone except our own employees).

Recently we had a problem where embedded graphics over about 100kb would
cause the CreateMHTMLBody command to throw an error with CDO.Message.1
"Unknown error". The rest of the app works fine. If I reduce the graphics to
under 100kb total then it works.

So in trying to debug this I started getting the same error but for ALL my
test emails. I even built one that is a simple HTML page with a P tag with
"test" in it and that won't work.

I copied the URL from the VS2003 debugger and pasted it into IE and it
displays the page fine.

Any ideas? Hints? Suggestions? I'm running XP/SP2 with the .Net 2.0
Framework installed (this is a 1.1 app) and pretty much all the latest
security patches for XP and Office.

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