create a pop-up alert when a condition is reached in excel



You might try something like this:

If PutConditionHere Then MsgBox "Condition has been reached", vbOKOnly,"Alert"


I should elaborate by saying that you'll need to put this line of code in the
Worksheet_Change sub of the sheet that holds the condition. For example, if
you wanted a message to appear after cell A1 on Sheet1 reaches the value 100,
want something like this for the Sheet1 Excel Object:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A1").Value >= 100 Then _
MsgBox "A1 has reached limit", vbOKOnly, "Alert"
End Sub


Paul, Thank you for your response.

I can see how that will work if you have fixed cells, but I am looking for
something more flexible. Let me elaborate a bit. I have developed an shared
excel spreadsheet that has date deadlines associated with specific individual
projects. I have set up conditional alerts that turn the cell red when the
deadlines are reached. What I am looking for is a way to either produce an
e-mail alert notifying specific individuals when the deadlines have been
reached along with the project name and description of the alert, or as an
alternative build a report listing all the conditional deadlines have been
reached, along with the name of the project. How would one go about in
doing this? Thanks again.

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