create a letter in word



How do I create a letter in word using data in a table in access? I would
like to send my customers in access a letter (not bulk, individual) and would
like to launch word from access and have the name, address etc already
filled out in the letter in word.

OfficeDev18 via

Hi, Andy,

Close Access, open Microsoft Word, and find MailMerge in the top menu. Follow
the instructions faithfully and you'll be OK. For further information see
MailMerge in the MS Word help file.


Peter R. Fletcher

I think that the OP has been put off doing it this way because (he
says) he wants to send individual letters to each recipient - possibly
not even with a "form" base. You are right, though. The OP should
first create a Query in Access with the data he wants to use in his
letters and then switch to Word and set up a very basic form letter -
maybe just return address, date, placeholder for body, and signature
block - run the mail merge with the Access Query as data source "to a
new document", and then write the text of his letters in the merge
output document. He can then use the same query to generate envelopes
for the mailing.

Hi, Andy,

Close Access, open Microsoft Word, and find MailMerge in the top menu. Follow
the instructions faithfully and you'll be OK. For further information see
MailMerge in the MS Word help file.


Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher

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