CRC error


Derek N

Trying to copy 100 photographs from one computer to another. We have burnt
the photo's onto a CD and when we try to copy the photos onto the second
computer we are notified of a CRC data error. The error message is not
consistent with any one photograph (e.g. some times photo # 38 copies
normally and sometimes gives the aforementioned error message). What is
causing this error message?
Both computers are Windows XP Home SP2. with 512 MB RAM.

Derek N

Kerry Brown

Derek N said:
Trying to copy 100 photographs from one computer to another. We have
burnt the photo's onto a CD and when we try to copy the photos onto the
second computer we are notified of a CRC data error. The error message is
not consistent with any one photograph (e.g. some times photo # 38 copies
normally and sometimes gives the aforementioned error message). What is
causing this error message?
Both computers are Windows XP Home SP2. with 512 MB RAM.

Derek N

The computer is having a hard time reading the CD's. This is common with
burnt CD's. A CD that may work fine with one CDROM drive may not work in
another drive. CDROM drives and the media itself are mass produced very
cheaply. You should always verify important data in a computer other than
the one that recorded it. You could try copying the pictures to another
CDROM. You could also try cleaning the CD under warm running water with a
lint free cloth.



Use some 'safe burn' technology; my Plextor optical drives never gave me any
such problems.

Derek N

I am using the programme supplied by Dell with the computer. Have you any
Suggestions for an alternative programme??
Derek N


You can try Nero for 30 days and see what you get; there are free burning
utilities available as well - just google.
What I am afraid, though, is that the DVD burner is not top quality and
hence does not burn 100% of the time correctly. Of course, the writable
media must also fit the requirments - burning speed, for ex.
The standard step to try is to lower the write speed to avoid errors.


Derek said:
I am using the programme supplied by Dell with the computer. Have you any
Suggestions for an alternative programme??

Try using burn once cds, not rewriteables if that's what you used, and
try using a different burning program, like nero, and try using a
different brand of media.


Try burning at a slower speed.
Plato said:
Try using burn once cds, not rewriteables if that's what you used, and
try using a different burning program, like nero, and try using a
different brand of media.

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