Crazy Purchase Checkbox Problem- mdb link available

Oct 5, 2011
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Hi all

I have pretty well finished a cafeteria database for a food-shelter.
the problem is a purchase history datasheet: The function of the
checkbox is to update stock only once... At first it seems fine until
I test another checkbox already checked. Meaning... by clicking between
two previously (checked) checkboxes.... as I go from one... leaving the other
the previous checkbox does not change it status... but the stock [UnitsOnOrder] field
is updated. when it shouldn't. the "Function PurchaseUpdateMacro1()" works fine...

Can some body help I am stuck on this problem 4-days :confused:
I am using Access 2003

Data Tab
Validation Rule: <>0
Validation Text: Can't undo "Completion" Checkbox

Function PurchaseUpdateMacro1() ' This works fine
On Error GoTo PurchaseUpdateMacro1_Err

Forms!Tab![Purchase Update].Form![Purchase UpdateQuery Form].Form!UnitsInStock = Forms!Tab![Purchase Update].Form![Purchase UpdateQuery Form].Form! + Forms!Tab![Purchase Update].Form![Purchase UpdateQuery Form].Form!UnitsOnOrder

Forms!Tab![Purchase Update].Form![Purchase UpdateQuery Form].Form!Purchase = Forms!Tab![Purchase Update].Form![Purchase UpdateQuery Form].Form!UnitPrice * Forms!Tab![Purchase Update].Form![Purchase UpdateQuery Form].Form!UnitsOnOrder

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume PurchaseUpdateMacro1_Exit

End Function
Private Sub Completion_Click()
If Me![Completion] = "True" Then
Exit Sub
Call PurchaseUpdateMacro1

End If
End Sub
Oct 5, 2011
Reaction score
the answer is....
Private Sub Completion_Click()
If Me![Completion] = False Then
Me![Completion] = True
Call MacroCancelEvent

Exit Sub
Call PurchaseUpdateMacro1
End If
End Sub
the On Click....
The Validation Rule: <>0 ' should be removed: it interferes with the operation

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