Crazy last two days dealing with a unaccessible hard drive.



At this point I can't even remember how I got to where I am. Messing wtih
permissinos and ownership I ended up making my C drive completely unaccesible

This made it so I couldn't even boot up vista.. Ive spent the last couple
days trying everything I could think of to get it back. I thought it was the
permissions and tried every command in dos that I could.. I spent hours
online researching for a fix.. downloaded some utilities no luck.. I was
able to reset the permissions but it still didn't work.

if I would try to access the drive I would get "access denied"

I then discovered it was probably an ownership issue. Again i did hours of
research and tried every dos command/utility to change the ownership but
everything came back "Access Denied".. I booted to dos with windows NT,
windows XP, the Vista DVD, and a straight up dos boot disk.. I tried the
vista repair utility to fix statup issues.. it was workin doin something
because my hard drive was goin full force but it just never finished and then
the hard drive activity eventually stopped.

One reallyu strange thing is when I booted up with the XP I could access the
C drive but you can't run any .exe files with the windows dos shell.. you can
only run the commands they allow you..

In the end today I booted up the vistga dvd and went to format the drive..
strange thing was it didn't show up as an NTFS drive or a fat drive.. just
coulnd't access it. So I formatted it in ntfs and the install was going fine
but at about 75% it gave me an error saying it couldn't acess my drive.

Im at a loss here.. I am starting to consider a corrupt hard drive but it
happeded so quickly and the security issues make sense since I was messin
with permissions/ownership.. when I did a chkdsk everything seemed fine..
so it can be accessed but not I can't access teh directry/file system.

Im frustrated as heck now.. any ideas you might all have will be greatly

ive tried all types of commands and utilities..:
the old attrib command
chown.exe for canging ownership

tried vista boot up repair option..
basically that and more.. everything you could try from a dos prompt I did..

ahh help!

Colin Barnhorst

Download the drive manufacturer's drive test suite to another computer and
make the necessary cd. Then boot the balky computer with it and run some
tests. Always start the troubleshooting process with the hardware.


yeah.. just the fact that i was messin with the permissions and ownership
right before this happened made me pretty sure it wasn't a hardware issue..
But im definiteyl not ruling that out.


seasons said:
yeah.. just the fact that i was messin with the permissions and ownership
right before this happened made me pretty sure it wasn't a hardware
But im definiteyl not ruling that out.

It could be a permissions thing but seeing as your XP is now restricted
aswell... I doubt that it would have affected your XP.

Jimmy Brush

I agree with Colin ... rule out hardware first.

It definately WAS a permissions problem, and using all those utilities and
whatnots probably screwed it up something fierce at the filesytem level ...

But if there was a problem formatting, it sounds more like hardware.

If it is NOT a hardware problem, I would do a low-level format using a
utility made by your hard-drive manufacturer, and then start over totally

- JB


On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 20:28:02 -0700, seasons

Did something very like this a couple of weeks ago when I tried to get
an image out with PartImage. After which Vista woold not reboot, the
Image failed totally and the HDD was apparantly unreadable.

Tried reformat with XP recoveryconsole - Access Denied.
Tried to Re-install Vista - Can't find a HDD
Tried to install XP - Can't find a HDD.

Very odd, used the manufactorers (Western Digital) in this case disk
utilities, checked the disk - all OK

Zero wiped the disk totally then tried to install Vista again - failed
at 75% of install.

Zero wiped the disk again, installed XP - success.

Did an "upgrade" Install of Vista - success

Don't know WTF is going on with it but I got it going again after a
lot of hassle, permissions? you may be on to something there, Vista
may be doing something fundamental (intentionally or not) and any
messing about with permissions / ownership at a basic level causes
difficulties or maybe its certain disks cause problems? Don't know
enough about it to speculate further.

I am using a Western Digital WDA800 SATA drive I liberated from an HP
OEM Box.


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