CPU maxed out at 100% svchots.exe problem



After formating my hard drive and reinstalling windows xp
pro. my problems started.
In windows task manager it shows that my svchots.exe
constantly run at 75% and system runs at 25%.Thus my CPU
always run at 100%.
When I try to use a program my pc crashes all the time .
can anyone help me out with this problem.


Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

There is no legitimate file/process called "svchots.exe." Are you
sure you spelt it correctly? There is supposed to be multiple
instances of "svchost.exe" running.

It's perfectly normal to have several instances of Svchost.exe
running simultaneously.

A Description of Svchost.exe in Windows XP

However, if Svchost.exe is using a large portion of your CPU
cycles, it has most likely been "hijacked" by a worm or Trojan. Have
you tried using a decent antivirus application with the most
currently-available virus definition files? A strong candidate would
be W32.Welchia.Worm.

W32.Welchia.Worm a.k.a. W32/Nachi.Worm

Because many of the newer viruses and worms can disable antivirus
applications whose definitions weren't up-to-date, try using one or
more of the free on-line scanners to double-check your system.

Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan

McAfee Security - FreeScan

Symantec Security Check

Bruce Chambers
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