Courier Font



Does anyone know why the courier font is light when I print a document from
Word but when the same document is printed with the same font in WordPerfect,
it's perfect??? Any help appreciated. thx, ll


It's likely that Word Perfect is substituting a different Corel Font for
Word's "courier" or "Courier New", Corel fonts are a different set of fonts
managed by Corel's font manager. Try looking for a different "courier"
-type of font to use in Word than the one that comes with it.


Thanks for your answer. But I also just noticed that even in Word, when I
start a document from scratch and use Courier instead of Courier New, it
comes out dark. But if I use a document that already is using Courier New
and I change it to Courier, it still comes out light. It's just very

Graham Mayor

Courier New is a Truetype font with its own screen and printer versions,
whereas Courier is usually a screen and/or printer resident font. In Word
such a font will only be available to use if the current printer is capable
of using it (i.e. it has the resident font - e.g. some HP Lasers). Otherwise
an alternative will be substituted. Other applications can display a screen
only font whether or not the printer is capable of printing it. It is
further complicated by the fact that you can require Windows to display only
TrueType fonts and you can require Truetype fonts to be printed as graphics.
The combinations available will be determined by the application, the user
preferences and the current printer.

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