Counting if numbers fall within a specified range



For a range of cells containing percentages, how can I use COUNTIF to count
those cells whose values fall between 90% and 110% ?

Dave Peterson

You could count the number >= .9 and subtract the ones >1.10
=countif(a1:a10,">=.9") - countif(a1:a10,">1.1")

Or you could count the ones that are trapped between those numbers:

=sumproduct() likes to work with numbers. The -- converts trues and falses to
1's and 0's.


Assuming you want to exclude values that equal 90 and 110, try this:


Change the range A1:A100 to suit your needs


Thank you. I'll try both methods

Dave Peterson said:
You could count the number >= .9 and subtract the ones >1.10
=countif(a1:a10,">=.9") - countif(a1:a10,">1.1")

Or you could count the ones that are trapped between those numbers:

=sumproduct() likes to work with numbers. The -- converts trues and falses to
1's and 0's.

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