COUNTIF Worksheet Function



Say I have a column containing dates as below:

1 27 May 2003
2 03 Jun 2003
3 05 Jun 2003
4 22 Jun 2003
5 15 Jul 2003
6 10 Aug 2003

I want to count how many instances Jun 2003 is listed, regardless of the
day. I tried the COUNTIF worksheet function, but it only works if I
actually list the exact date, and then it only counts the instances
where that exact date is listed (example: =COUNTIF(A1:A6,"05 Jun 2003")
equals 1). Does anyone know of a formula that I can use that will count
how many instances a particular month/year appear in a huge
spreadsheet. In the example above I'm expecting the value to equal 3.
I tried using a wildcard (*) in place of the day number (example:
=COUNTIF(A1:A6,"* Jun 2003"), but I only get a return of zero. Help!




Frank, you are TOO GOOD!!!!! That's the 2nd time you've helped me out of
a jam. Thank you so much! Have a great Easter!


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