countdown dates by month



I have a table in which I want to have the day of the month automatically
update whenever I open the spreadsheet.

Each month has its own row, and as the month ends, the days gone column
should stay @ the maximum number of days for that month, and the next row
start to be filled in (table below)

Any idea on how I can use the today() function and maybe the if() function,
or WHATEVER to figure this out?

% # Days Days Gone
Jul 100% 30 30
Aug 100% 31 31
Sep 100% 30 30
Oct 100% 31 31
Nov 93% 30 28
Dec 0% 31
Jan 0% 30
Feb 0% 31
Mar 0% 30
Apr 0% 30
May 0% 31
Jun 0% 30


If you've got a header row 1 with the data beginning in row 2, this formula,
entered in D2, ought to do it:
A couple points. First, this only allows 12 months and they must all be in
the same three-letter format. Second, the 'days gone' in the current month
will include the current day (on 12/1, the row for Dec will indicate 1 day
gone). The basic logic is to ask whether the current month appears in a row
above the one we're evaluating. If so, this is a future month so the days
gone is left blank. Otherwise: if this row represents the current month,
enter the day; otherwise copy the # days from column C.
HTH. --Bruce

Arvi Laanemets


Row1: column headers (A1="Month", B1="Percent", C1="Days")
A2 - enter starting month as 1st of month (like 01.06.2005).
Format cells A2:A3 in any valid date format - my advice is to use a custom
format like "mmm yyyy"
Format C3 as Number with 0 decimals
Format B3 as percentage
Copy B3:C3 to B2:C2
Copy A3:C3 down for as much rows as you need

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