Count, Sum, Index,Match or other formula needed



Using Excel 2003:
One row is a set of numbers. I need to match that to another worksheet and
find certain results in it. Here's the trick. This second worksheet will
have these numbers over and over again with either Yes or No in the column I
want returned. Example, number in cell one is shown 10 times in the second
worksheet sometimes with yes and sometimes with no in the column I want back.

The result need to find the number in the 1st worksheet and return a No if
any of the matching in the 2nd worksheet contain a No in the column I want
returned even if sometimes it has a Yes for this number.

Worksheet 2:
# Yes/No
123 Yes
456 No
789 No
789 No
789 Yes
123 No
456 No
456 No
123 Yes

Results should be:
123 Yes
456 No
789 Yes


Tom Hutchins

Not elegant, but this should work
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet2!$A$1:$A$200=Sheet1!A1),--(Sheet2!$B$1:$B$200="No"))>0,"No",IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet2!$A$1:$A$200=Sheet1!A1),--(Sheet2!$B$1:$B$200="Yes"))>0,"Yes","Not found"))

Adjust ranges as needed. In Excel 2003 you can't use whole columns with

BTW, your sample data has at least one NO for each number, so the results
should be No, No, and No.

Hope this helps,


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