Count if with multiple criteria




I have read many of the posts on this site on this subject, but I am still
not able to get the formula to work. I have 2 columns that I am considering:

Column F and Column G My current attemt is:

{=SUM(IF($F$3:$F$37=$C59,IF(G$3:G$37>G$52,G$3:G$37),0))} This expression
seems to work to give me the correct sum. But instead of a sum, I would like
to use Count. when I try to replace the word Sum and use the word count, it
counts all of the rows. Not what I want to do. Here is a copy of how the
formula was in with count:


Thanks for any help.

Tom Ogilvy


This doesn't need to be array entered.

Bob Phillips

Using your formula, you would just sum a series of 1 instead of G4:G37


which is still an array formula



Thanks for the help, but unfortunatly it did not work. I have figured out
why it is not working so hopefully you can help me.

In the formula below: Cells in the range: g3:g37 are the result of the
following formula:


The problem is that many of the cells are resulting in the "" and not a true
numeric result. One solution is that I could replace the "" with a 0, but
then the standard deviation that I am trying to calculate and the averages I
am calculating are incorrect.

I thought of possible adding a isnumber to the formula, but have been
unsuccessful. Hopefully you guys have some thoughts.


What about something like this: (It does not work but a thought)



Bob Phillips

I am struggling to see what problem you are getting as the data I am using
will add those "" ells as 0, which I presume is what you want.

Can you provide a simple example of P18, Y18, C59, G52 and F3:F37. Not every
row , 2 or 3 should be sufficient, with your expected result?

Bob Phillips

Okay, I've just got it.

Chris, try this


again array entered, or


not array entered


Thanks bob, you got it on the last post.


Bob Phillips said:
Okay, I've just got it.

Chris, try this


again array entered, or


not array entered

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