Count headers with criteria



Hi. In my report I've got a Header1 and Header2.

First come Header1 in where I've got most of the times two possibilities, A
or B.

Then I've got several Headers2 inside of each Header1.

I need to count all Headers2 inside of Header1. I mean, all number of
headers when Header1 is A and/or when it's B.

Please help me. :)




Doing that is counting all records in Details of Header2

This must be impossible.


golfinray said:
In the header, add a textbox and make the control source =count([header2])
Milton Purdy
State of Arkansas

Marco said:
Hi. In my report I've got a Header1 and Header2.

First come Header1 in where I've got most of the times two possibilities, A
or B.

Then I've got several Headers2 inside of each Header1.

I need to count all Headers2 inside of Header1. I mean, all number of
headers when Header1 is A and/or when it's B.

Please help me. :)




Doing that is counting all records in Details of Header2

This must be impossible.


golfinray said:
In the header, add a textbox and make the control source =count([header2])
Milton Purdy
State of Arkansas

Marco said:
Hi. In my report I've got a Header1 and Header2.

First come Header1 in where I've got most of the times two possibilities, A
or B.

Then I've got several Headers2 inside of each Header1.

I need to count all Headers2 inside of Header1. I mean, all number of
headers when Header1 is A and/or when it's B.

Please help me. :)


Marshall Barton

Marco said:
Hi. In my report I've got a Header1 and Header2.

First come Header1 in where I've got most of the times two possibilities, A
or B.

Then I've got several Headers2 inside of each Header1.

I need to count all Headers2 inside of Header1. I mean, all number of
headers when Header1 is A and/or when it's B.

Add a text box (named txtHdr2) to header2. Set its
ControlSource to =1 and RunningSum to Over Group

Then you can use another text box in the outer group's
footer section with the expression =txtHdr2

Marshall Barton

Marco said:
Hi. In my report I've got a Header1 and Header2.

First come Header1 in where I've got most of the times two possibilities, A
or B.

Then I've got several Headers2 inside of each Header1.

I need to count all Headers2 inside of Header1. I mean, all number of
headers when Header1 is A and/or when it's B.

Add a text box (named txtHdr2) to header2. Set its
ControlSource to =1 and RunningSum to Over Group

Then you can use another text box in the outer group's
footer section with the expression =txtHdr2

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