count data entries using a criteria



I have created a survey with questions using specific responses (drop down
menus). I would like to be able to do a query that will count the number of
responses for each question, in addition to this I would like to further
filter it by say another criteria such as male responses and female
responses. Any help would be appreciative. I have some knowledge in Access
but still learning.


Ron said:
I have created a survey with questions using specific responses (drop down
menus). I would like to be able to do a query that will count the number of
responses for each question, in addition to this I would like to further
filter it by say another criteria such as male responses and female
responses. Any help would be appreciative. I have some knowledge in Access
but still learning.

It would help if you would name the relevant tables and their columns


The table is named "Command Survey". Each field is pretty much a drop down
menu with preselected responses (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree,
Strongly Agree) for members to select from, except a unique identifier
number, and essay type questions. Specific questions for each person are
race, gender and organization. I would like to be able to generate reports
that can break down responses based off of groups within the same race,
gender, etc allowing me to compare groups. For example if a question were
posed asking if you had to work harder than other people for
advancement/recognition. I would like to be able to isolate if women in
general feel this way, or males, of black females, male hispanics, the list
goes on as you can see. If I can get reponses totalled by a given criteria,
I can achieve this goal. Thank you.



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You're still not tell us what is necessary to form a query. We need to
know the names of the columns in your table. This is so we can discern
if you've correctly designed the table and so we can correctly design
the query. E.g.:

A survey DB design (off the top of my head) - multiple choice questions.
(A ComboBox [drop-down list] is a multiple choice selector):

Table: Questions
Fields: Nr -- the question number
Verbiage -- the text of the question

Table: Answers
Fields: Nr -- the question number
Response -- the number/letter the respondent selected
Respondent -- the id of the person in the Demographics table

Table: Demographics
Fields: Respondent --can be an AutoNumber column. Should be a number.
BirthDate -- date
Gender -- M or F
Race -- a code or the word
Income -- currency
... etc. ...

A report will work off the query. Use an Access Report to do the
grouping rather than the query.

MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)

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