Could not find my previous My doc data's after re install Vista



Hi, I could not find mt data's in windows.old folder after i reinstll the
Vista in the same drive C and same user name. FYI the default, Admin etc
folder exists in old window folder but it does not show user folder or files
for user Nahid (Admin) . This files are very imp for me. Can any one pls
help me???

Richard Urban

If you searched for the file name and it is not there you will have to
re-install the missing file from your backups.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User


Hi Richard
Thanks for your tips but my actual problem is i have reinstalled windows
vista and previous "my document" folder is missing and need that file badly.
Pls advise


R. C. White

Hi, Nahid.

Did you look in C;\Users\Nahid\Documents?

"My Documents" does not exist in Vista except as a Junction pointing to the
proper folder in the new organization scheme.

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64)

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