Could Not Find any Compatible Direct3D Devices with the required capabilities.


Tara Decker

I need help with this one. I am 15 yrs old and I just
bought a new game (The Lord of the Rings:Return of the
King) and it popped up with that message. How or what
should I do to get my game working??


-----Original Message-----
I need help with this one. I am 15 yrs old and I just
bought a new game (The Lord of the Rings:Return of the
King) and it popped up with that message. How or what
should I do to get my game working??
what video card do you have?

Tara Decker

-----Original Message-----
I need help with this one. I am 15 yrs old and I just
bought a new game (The Lord of the Rings:Return of the
King) and it popped up with that message. How or what
should I do to get my game working??
I don't even know how to chek what type of video card I


-----Original Message-----

ok, right click my computer, than click properties, than
select the harware tab. than click device manager. ok
look for display adapeter, than click the plus sign and
write down what it says.

Tara Decker

-----Original Message-----
select the harware tab. than click device manager. ok
look for display adapeter, than click the plus sign and
write down what it says.
It Says it's a S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR


ok tara make sure you read the box your game came in, on
the side or bottom there should be system requirements,
make sure you have the minimum atleast. than if you cant
find where to look for those do what you did for the
graphics card only this time just right click my computer
than properties. and tell us what the general tab says.

Tara Decker

On the box next to video it says DirectX 8.1 Compatible
video card(See right) On the right it says Video card
with 32 MB or more memory and one of these chip sets are
required: NVIDIA GeForce2
GTS or greater
ATI Radeon 7500 or greater. On the general tab it says
Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 1
Registered to:
Sula Decker
AMD Athlon(tm)XP 2400 +
224 MB of RAM


ok, now it seems like you have what you need to run the
game, however what you would want to do is make sure you
have the latest drivers for your graphics card. search
google for s3 pro svage ddr. than when you find the
manufactures website download the latest drivers. that
would be under the support or download section of the
website. since i'm not familiar with prosavage, i cant
t3ell you about their website. its very important that
you make surte you get the right driver to match your
card, other wise you could cause the computer not to
work, dxdiag typed in the run box at start will tell you
the info for your display. try these tips, otherwise you
might want to yell in this area for jimmy s. he can help
you also.

Tara Decker

Thanks 4 ur help I will try what u have told me.
-----Original Message-----
ok, now it seems like you have what you need to run the
game, however what you would want to do is make sure you
have the latest drivers for your graphics card. search
google for s3 pro svage ddr. than when you find the
manufactures website download the latest drivers. that
would be under the support or download section of the
website. since i'm not familiar with prosavage, i cant
t3ell you about their website. its very important that
you make surte you get the right driver to match your
card, other wise you could cause the computer not to
work, dxdiag typed in the run box at start will tell you
the info for your display. try these tips, otherwise you
might want to yell in this area for jimmy s. he can help
you also.


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