Copying from a form to a table



I am using Access 2000.
I have created a form from two tables (1 to many
relationship). #1 Table is the cust table and #2 is the
tele msg table. In the form, both tables are joined by
the tele number. Enter the telephone number and the
corresponding basic customer information comes up from the
cust table. Then we add the other information into the
form that goes into the tele msg table.

But if this is a new customer, the information is not in
the customer table and nothing comes up. Then the
salespeople have to enter all of the basic information on
to the form and later on they have to enter it again into
the customer table inorder to print the form. The sales
people do not want to do this twice.

Is there any way to copy this information from the form to
the table via a macro?

Would certainly appreciate any help you can give me. I
have not done any basic programming in Access so I am
looking for a macro if possible.


Roger Carlson

The usual way to represent a one-to-many relationship is a form/subform.
The form is based on the One-side table and the subform on the Many-side
table. The subform control has a Link Parent/Link Child properties that
handle the primarykey/foreignkey maintenance.

On my website is a small sample database called: FormSubform, which
illustrates this.

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