Copying files from the CD-ROM



I am trying to copy a folder from the CD-ROM of the client machine into the
client's C:\ drive. How do I determine the drive letter for the CD-ROM on
the client machine?

Giovanni pepe

Public Function GetRootDrives() As sDrive()
Dim drives As String()
Dim mDrives() As sDrive, i As Integer
Dim disk As System.Management.ManagementObject
drives = Environment.GetLogicalDrives
ReDim mDrives(drives.GetUpperBound(0))
Dim str As String
For i = 0 To drives.GetUpperBound(0)
str = drives(i)

With mDrives(i)

..Name = drives(i)
Dim strDrive As String
Dim t As UInt32
strDrive = "Win32_LogicalDisk='" & str.Substring(0, 2) & "'"
disk = New Management.ManagementObject(strDrive)
t = disk("DriveType")
Select Case t.ToString
Case "2"
..driveType = sDrive.edriveType.Removable
Case "3"
..driveType = sDrive.edriveType.Fixed

Case "4"
..driveType = sDrive.edriveType.Removable

Case "5"
..driveType = sDrive.edriveType.CdRom

Case "6"
..driveType = sDrive.edriveType.RamDisk

Case Else
..driveType = sDrive.edriveType.Unknown

End Select
End With
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Return mDrives
End Function

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