Copying excel comments



A workbook has a large number of worksheets asking identical questions but
for different products. I use the "comments" funtion to give guidance to the
users. If I need to change a "comment" I would like it to automatically
change on all the worksheets. The text of the question automatically changes
because I have a utility worksheet from which all the subordinate wooksheets
update (with a command like "=Utility!D11"). However although the text in
all the subordinate cells change when the Utility worksheet is changed, the
associated "comments" do not change when edited on the utility page.


To follow up, also, depending upon how many sheets you have and how
frequently you need to change comments, you could also create a macro
by recording the select- copy - paste special actions, so that for
future events you can just run the macro.


Thank you very much Gary's Student, that solution will make the update
easier. However I was hoping there was some way to change the 20 subordinate
worksheets without going to each one when I change the comment on the Utility

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