Copy to another sheet fails



Hi NG,

I have got following code, which were originally made for a
workbook.beforeclose, now i have
copied it to a commandbutton and it wont work any more?, it worked in
"beforeclose" and it works
if the pricelist file is open, here is some of the code:

""Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim bClose As Boolean
Dim bk As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set bk = Workbooks("pricelist_DK.xls") 'sætter prisliste som til copy
On Error GoTo 0
If bk Is Nothing Then
bClose = True
Set bk = Workbooks.Open("C:\prisliste_udskrift\pricelist_DK.xls") '
End If
Worksheets(2).Range("B20").Value = "4" ' kopier 4 farver til antal farver
Worksheets(2).Range("N47").Value = Worksheets(2).Range("R1").Value '
pris pr designskift til 4 frv pris
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D4").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("C2").Value ' kopier kunde
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D5").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("I2").Value ' kopier opgave
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D7").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("B11").Value & " MM " ' kopier bredde
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D8").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("B14").Value ' kopier afsnit
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("C11").Value = "PRIS / " & _
Worksheets(2).Range("B8").Value ' kopier salgsenhed
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D26").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("B38").Value ' kopier Valuta
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D6").Value = _
Format(Range("B47").Value) & " / " & Format(Range("B48").Value) '
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("D9").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("B23").Value & "%" ' kopier farvedækning
bk.Worksheets(2).Range("C12").Value = _
Worksheets(2).Range("E4").Value ' kopier Antal herfra og ned""

When i run it, it opens the pricelist and copies some of it, but not
enough, i hope some one have
an idea of what's wrong.


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