Copy formulas



I need to copy a formula from column I to column J, and would like to do the
Column I Column J
=SUM((APR!C4)) =SUM((MAY!C4))

Basically, when I copy I would like to add 1 month, but leave the cell (C4)
the same. When I try it, the month always stays the sam, but the cell changed
from C4 to D4. I would like to know how to copy the above forumula in Colum I
so the result will be the formula above in Column J.

Thank you for any help.

Jarek Kujawa

suppose you have a list of months in the 3rd row, then:


change C3 appropriately


when you enter C4 you have to press the F4 button so it should become $C$4
This way it won't move when you drag.

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