Copy form on cell or Colum to another colum



I know in the query tab, you can copy content or part of the content in a
cell or colum to another colum in the same table or querey.

Johnson II Johnson ESG Inc.


I'm tring to copy or part of content in a cell or colums to another cell or
colum in access database. For example: Orginal Cell: 53 N. Raymond Ave,
Pasadena Ca, 91103 to Cell1: 53 N. Raymond Cell 2: Pasadena Ca.


Access has fields and records. What you want to do is called parsing the

You need to revise your database to have the following fields --
Address - text
City - text
State - text
Zip - text
ZipPlus - text

If all of your data was entered the same way it might not be that difficult
but most people enter data any old way as below.
53 N. Raymond Ave, Pasadena Ca, 91103
53 North Raymond Avenue Pasadena Calif 91103

Use a lot of update queries. For the Zip, if all are 5 digits,

Then remove Zip Trim(Left([YourField], Len([YourField])-6)) removes the
Zip and any trailing spaces.

Then the comma after state Left([YourField], Len([YourField])-1) with
criteria of "," on an add field in the query of Right([YourField],1)

You keep coping peices to the new fields and choping away what was copied.
Keep testing like verifying that all state two character match true
abbreviation. Watch out for two-word cities like Kansas City and New York.

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