Copy Data From Chart to Chart



I have to create separate charts for ten employees. I want to have all the data on one sheet tab. Create the chart on another tab for employee 1, format the chart the way I want and be able to add the data for employee 2, 3, 4, etc. to each tab, using the same format for chart 1 so they all match. So there should be one tab for raw data and 10 tabs for each employee. I’m using Excel 2000
Thank you

Jon Peltier

Please stop reposting and read the responses you've already received.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


Sorry – When I sent all those postings, I received an error message that it didn’t go through - Thank you for letting me know - I will look for that in the future


-----Original Message-----
I have to create separate charts for ten employees. I
want to have all the data on one sheet tab. Create the
chart on another tab for employee 1, format the chart the
way I want and be able to add the data for employee 2, 3,
4, etc. to each tab, using the same format for chart 1 so
they all match. So there should be one tab for raw data
and 10 tabs for each employee. Iâ?Tm using Excel 2000
Thank you

One way is to just copy the first chart onto another
sheet, do this for all the remaining employees. Then back
to one of the copies charts, right click, then choose
Source data, series, choose the series one at a time, you
will see that the first employee was example: d4:m4 then
you just change the second employee to e5:m5 the third to
e6:m6 and so on. Easier to tell you on the phone but that
is frowned on by Microsoft.

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