"Copy" anti-fraud watermark?



Is anyone aware of a way to embed a watermark or other pattern on a document
that is not obvious on the original, but that would reveal the word COPY to
prevent fraud/forgery? My college transcript (which I've lost a copy of) was
printed on regular paper and had a unique background that looked like a
pattern, but when copied revealed the word COPY, and I'd like to use this on
other documents. I realize that special paper can be purchased for this
purpose but it would be nice to do it with individual documents when they are
printed...Thanks in advance!

Word Heretic

G'day "Keven" <[email protected]>,

For exceedingly large sums of money or some excellent diatribe I can
be forced to divulge several extremely tricky means of providing this
via steganography.

Really, that key word can set any Word expert on the trail to success
in this area. No, it isn't cryptography, there is a subtle difference

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Keven reckoned:

Guy Worthington

Word said:
No, it isn't cryptography, there is a subtle difference

Speaking of cryptography, or rather security, how do you,
as a long time respondent, cope with the crap. I mean,
if you've read any of my replies you'll have realized that
I am a professional on this newsgroup. Take, for instance,
the young student who I advised to have a sex-change rather
than attempt to use Word's outline numbering. What could be
more courteous and helpful? What indeed? and yet, shortly
after helping this obviously grateful young man, I received
an anonymous email with the following cryptic contents:


and that was it - no follow up, no ransom demand.

I also get strange emails with combinations of words. In one
reply, written in my usual technical style, I used the phrase
"sleek-wet, lithe queen" and (yes you guessed it) I received
an anonymous email. The subject line was:

' "So you like cougars"

the contents of the email (unfortunately) was washed away
by my mail washing program. I'd like to have corresponded
with whoever knew that a queen is a breeding female cat,
and really isn't a man who likes dressing up in female clothes
and singing Abba songs.

Surely putting "Email replies require payment" doesn't
actually stop anyone?

But that really isn't why I'm here.
For exceedingly large sums of money or some excellent diatribe I can
be forced to divulge several extremely tricky means of providing this
via steganography.

Really, that key word can set any Word expert on the trail to success
in this area.

What I'd like to know is what you know about steganography.
Steganography may be easy for you human males, with your unlimited
vocabularies, but it's not so easy for us poor tomcats. Pfffft,
I can't ever pronounce the word.

What us tomcats do have, though, is a curiosity, and so I went to
google groups and typed in 'steganography' and '"word heretic"'
but all I got was a circular reference back to this message.

Yours sincerely

not a Word expert.

Word Heretic

G'day Guy Worthington,

I think your puss is getting too big for his boots :) <Chuckles>

How do I cope with 'crap'?

Well, it depends what variety. These days I have been taking my lead
directly from the MVPs and not being so provocative. Over the eyars I
have had plenty of "You arent helping people, you are just showing
off" etc sorta hate mails. A few mailing lists were so bad I simply
left the list - it wasnt worth the daily struggle. Those ones I let
pass without comment, if I flame back the person is delighted they
irrated me so I don['t give them the satisfaction. One delete, hate is

As for the variety you mention, I also deal with it by producing my
own 'crap' :) I can be more obscure than anyone else when I put my
mind to it. Some of it though falls into one of two buckets I love to
hate: the "I'm a total beginner and need you guys to program me up a
missile launch system using Tahoma 3 pt fonts only" or the "I am about
to finish an amazing ultra commercial tool I am going to sell back to
you for mega bucks and need your free development advice on some
extremely technical issue that we both know cant be solved by less
than 4 pages of closeset text". I used to arc up at those, I am
currently reserving judgement on my urination vector until I determine
which direction the wind is blowing.

Some of it just falls into the bucket of I'm a long-time correspondant
with Buckley's chance of ever being an MVP despite their public
statements on the 'club'. That's the hardest to deal with, they need
to be told very loudly and clearly yet if I do, I just make matters
worse for myself. They don't listen anyway, having acquired that trait
from MS...

We recently had a perfect example. A 3rd party company won the
business innovation of the year (or some award like that) because they
collect survival stats on surgeons ops and publish it. The medical
community has officially responded with something like: "So now
Doctors are extremely loathe to operate on tricky and dangerous cases
so as to not adveresely affect their stats." The example they offered
was of the hospitals best surgeon being handed only the extremely
difficult cases appearing to be extremely dangerous whilst our
freshly-graduated doctor who has operated only on warts and melanomas
looks like a legend.

Surely putting "Email replies require payment" doesn't
actually stop anyone?

Matter of fact, it was the best thing I ever did. It has all-but
completely plugged what used to be a steady stream.

What I'd like to know is what you know about steganography.

For starters, let's look at the modern definition of diatribe (M-W 3rd

2a) a bitter, abusive, and usually lengthy speech or piece of writing
2b) bitter and abusive speech or writing
3) ironical or satirical criticism

Whilst it it is easy to find several of these characteristics in my
reply (I am infamous for my diatribes, recognition of such is thus a
diatribulation HA), they are somewhat lacking in your own. However, it
is undeniable you did make an effort.

What us tomcats do have, though, is a curiosity, and so I went to
google groups and typed in 'steganography' and '"word heretic"'
but all I got was a circular reference back to this message.

Correct - AFAIK this subject has NEVER been discussed before, but I
implemented it in my Word products before they went on sale for the
first time a few years ago. This then leads to the second point, why
on Earth would I divulge my secret method of copy-protection publicly?

You'd better take this offlist quick if you really expect a sensible
answer. The quick answer is a better working definition of
steganography for you: the art of hiding information in plain view.
Think about the microdot messages from WWII... Some would also say my
ravings about technical Word issues also fit the bill... :)

Just in case you missed the earlier irony I had to include that more
obvious last sentence.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Guy Worthington reckoned:

Beth Melton

Interesting. I noticed you use spamguard.com and I would think you
would have reached your forwarded email limit long ago and would no
longer be receiving any emails - especially on something you posted a
few weeks ago...

~Beth Melton

Word Heretic

G'day Beth baby,

LOL! Are you for real here? If so, is your subliminal message really
suggesting a reward was posted for size 12 boots with cat fur linings?
Mine is 6 below rings your bell when you only take baby steps...

We're on the prowl, the tins need turning, as I start to howl I hear
the world burning. Hep-atitis ... catzz....

That hurt Beth. We are out shaking the thang, hanging the wild ones,
and you crush us so harshly. So tersely...

Life may be short, but we have so much to do with in it ;-)

Braving every turn hurts. My eyes long to occipitate nothingness.

And thus, we see naught yet tis plain, and is seen in plain sight,
with naught but a Lewis Carrol rabbit to chase us through the long
fields of life.

Now, when one has a rich textual context within which to ensnare these
pearls of wisdom, one can hide much of what is plain, in plain sight
without being seen.

Steve Hudson - Ninja Word Heretic
Want to bury your (c)? (c) me!

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require HUGE payment)

Beth Melton reckoned:

Beth Melton

You've seriously lost me here, Steve.

I'm not sure how wondering if spamgourmet.com doesn't work as
advertised or if harvesting email addresses has died down around here
led you to think whatever it is you are thinking, which I'm still
trying to figure out...
Beth Melton

Guy Worthington

Word said:
Guy Worthington wrote:
How do I cope with [kooks on the internet]?

Well, it depends what variety. These days I have been taking my lead
directly from the MVPs and not being so provocative.

They are tolerant, or perhaps they're just not reckless.
Over the years I have had plenty of "You arent helping people,
you are just showing off" etc sorta hate mails.

Hate mail? You must be dealing with a better class of kook.
The boobs who write to me can't string two thoughts together -
I mean who writes as an entire --ing correspondence:

[letters] I love to hate: the "I'm a total beginner and need you guys
to program me up a missile launch system using Tahoma 3 pt fonts only"
or the "I am about to finish an amazing ultra commercial tool I am
going to sell back to you for mega bucks and need your free development
advice on some extremely technical issue that we both know cant be solved
by less than 4 pages of closeset text".

Nup, I'm the other type - more of a tomcat protection racketeer: "Toss
me a sardine, or I'll spray your front doormat." Or in this case:
"Program me up a missile launch system using Tahoma 3 pt fonts only,
or I'll spray your front doormat."
I used to arc up at those, I am currently reserving judgement on my
urination vector until I determine which direction the wind is blowing.

I had a dog, the dumbest dog in the world; used to test which way the
wind was blowing, cock his leg to give his piddle a high trajectory,
and then let gravity and wind spray it back onto him. I loved that dog,
not a clue.
Some of it just falls into the bucket of I'm a long-time correspondant
with Buckley's chance of ever being an MVP despite their public
statements on the 'club'.

You're too jaunticed to be an MVP. Anyway, you can't be a word heretic
and be officially sanctioned - that would be just confusing.
AFAIK this subject has NEVER been discussed before, but I
implemented it in my Word products before they went on sale for the
first time a few years ago. This then leads to the second point, why
on Earth would I divulge my secret method of copy-protection publicly?

You'd better take this offlist quick if you really expect a sensible
answer. The quick answer is a better working definition of
steganography for you: the art of hiding information in plain view.
Think about the microdot messages from WWII... Some would also say my
ravings about technical Word issues also fit the bill...

Hey no need to shoo me away with the straw broom. As it happens, I've
no commercial interest in protecting what I write. (I can barely stand
having to read my own words, and certainly wouldn't expect anyone else
to have to pay to read them). I just have an interest in forgery, and
was curious to know how you can stop someone xerox copying your work
without the use of special paper.

Guy Worthington

Beth said:
Guy Worthington wrote:
[I get unwanted attention from kooks]
Interesting. I noticed you use spamguard.com and I would think you
would have reached your forwarded email limit long ago and would no
longer be receiving any emails - especially on something you posted a
few weeks ago...

<shrug> I don't get much email from the commercial spammers, so I'm
sure most spam is filtered. I think that the life-altering emails
like 'YOU ARE THE FEMALE' don't go through spamgourmet.com.
(spamgourmet.com always adds an additional header with something like
"nothung message 11 of 13.")

Word Heretic

G'day Guy Worthington,
I just have an interest in forgery, and
was curious to know how you can stop someone xerox copying your work
without the use of special paper.

Ah - that is quite different again. The answer is unbelievably simple:

Use dark red stock, print using 50% gray

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Guy Worthington reckoned:
Word said:
Guy Worthington wrote:
How do I cope with [kooks on the internet]?

Well, it depends what variety. These days I have been taking my lead
directly from the MVPs and not being so provocative.

They are tolerant, or perhaps they're just not reckless.
Over the years I have had plenty of "You arent helping people,
you are just showing off" etc sorta hate mails.

Hate mail? You must be dealing with a better class of kook.
The boobs who write to me can't string two thoughts together -
I mean who writes as an entire --ing correspondence:

[letters] I love to hate: the "I'm a total beginner and need you guys
to program me up a missile launch system using Tahoma 3 pt fonts only"
or the "I am about to finish an amazing ultra commercial tool I am
going to sell back to you for mega bucks and need your free development
advice on some extremely technical issue that we both know cant be solved
by less than 4 pages of closeset text".

Nup, I'm the other type - more of a tomcat protection racketeer: "Toss
me a sardine, or I'll spray your front doormat." Or in this case:
"Program me up a missile launch system using Tahoma 3 pt fonts only,
or I'll spray your front doormat."
I used to arc up at those, I am currently reserving judgement on my
urination vector until I determine which direction the wind is blowing.

I had a dog, the dumbest dog in the world; used to test which way the
wind was blowing, cock his leg to give his piddle a high trajectory,
and then let gravity and wind spray it back onto him. I loved that dog,
not a clue.
Some of it just falls into the bucket of I'm a long-time correspondant
with Buckley's chance of ever being an MVP despite their public
statements on the 'club'.

You're too jaunticed to be an MVP. Anyway, you can't be a word heretic
and be officially sanctioned - that would be just confusing.
AFAIK this subject has NEVER been discussed before, but I
implemented it in my Word products before they went on sale for the
first time a few years ago. This then leads to the second point, why
on Earth would I divulge my secret method of copy-protection publicly?

You'd better take this offlist quick if you really expect a sensible
answer. The quick answer is a better working definition of
steganography for you: the art of hiding information in plain view.
Think about the microdot messages from WWII... Some would also say my
ravings about technical Word issues also fit the bill...

Hey no need to shoo me away with the straw broom. As it happens, I've
no commercial interest in protecting what I write. (I can barely stand
having to read my own words, and certainly wouldn't expect anyone else
to have to pay to read them). I just have an interest in forgery, and
was curious to know how you can stop someone xerox copying your work
without the use of special paper.

Guy Worthington

Beth said:
Word Heretic wrote:
You've seriously lost me here, Steve.

I'm not sure how wondering if spamgourmet.com doesn't work as
advertised or if harvesting email addresses has died down around here
led you to think whatever it is you are thinking, which I'm still
trying to figure out...

The first one's got me beat, but the other two are cat references,
and I'm pretty good at cat references.

No --ing idea, what that means.

Written like a jazz composition, lynx eyes, milk tins, hepatitis -
it's a reference to Circe in Joyce's "Ulysses." And since there's
only two of us, and a lowly tomcat can only be a familiar, I'll leave
it up to you to guess who's the witch.

Too easy: the red cat/queen. Again, I think it's addressed to you.

Now you're just been teased.

Beth Melton

Ohhhhhhhh!!!!! NOW I get it.

Nope. Merely on my own weekly/weekend 'prowl'. ;-)

~Beth Melton

Guy Worthington

Word said:
Guy Worthington reckoned:

Reckoned? that would suggest I think before I write.
If the truth be known, I've such a loathing of the word
'proactive' (and the contemptible worms that use it instead
of words like 'fairness' and 'truthfullness'), that as
a silent protest, I no longer reckon - I simply react to
external stimuli. If you really want a diatribe, just
get me going on the subject of 'Quality Assurance, Market
Research, and --ing Business mission statements.' Mark my
words: 'proactive' will be shown to be the root cause
of the decline and fall of western civilisation (or at least
the part that counts - music and the arts).
Ah - that is quite different again. The answer is unbelievably simple:

Use dark red stock, print using 50% gray

Funnily enough, I have a quantity of foolscap red cardboard sheets
just lying around, so I fed one through a lazer printer, and then
xerox copyied the document. The resulting page was just black,
all the content was hidden.

By the way, even the original document is hard to read. (I glad I'm
not a spy because I think I'd prefer to start at a baboon's ass all
day than read black ink on a red background.)

Word Heretic

G'day Puss,
'proactive' (and the contemptible worms that use it instead
of words like 'fairness' and 'truthfullness'),

As you obviously well know I pride myself on being pro-active.
Everyone but government loves it. Fairness and truthfulness have
utterly nothing to do with it. Get your hands dirty wherever it is
required, and especially before the mud slide hits the management.

As for calling me a contemptible worm, I would hardly expect less from
a true tom, but you've yet to sharpen your claws properly youngster.
... on the subject of 'Quality Assurance, Market
Research, and --ing Business mission statements.'

<Hairs raise> Mmmmm. <sneezes delicately> I sense an attempt to allude
to greater sandboxes than one has scratched in methinks. I've done a
lot of backyards with these toys in them...

Mark my words:

<Sniffs> No thanks, you already have and I'm not feeling territorial
enough to swipe a kitten.

'proactive' will be shown to be the root cause
of the decline and fall of western civilisation (or at least
the part that counts - music and the arts).

Your specious argument is easily foiled and you know it. <coughs a fur
ball up, a small puff of smoke escapes with it> Devo, proactive
musicians, did well. Proactive music agents dig up unheard of groups,
as do proactive music media groups and so on.

If it is this very proliferation of choice that concerns you, then you
may as well emulate your favourite dog. In truth, it is this very
principle that has brought the molting likes of yourself to MY
The resulting page was just black, all the content was hidden.

'Thank you' takes far fewer words and characters. Yes, I know, I'm a
genius, don't applaud, just throw ludicrous sums of money into my
paypal account so I can buy my own cage.

By the way, even the original document is hard to read.

Doh! Why do you think I picked dark red? Try black on dark green or
dark blue, you won't be able to read it unless you have my eyesight,
which far exceeds norm. To pass any data through one system and have
it fail another you have to analyse the comparative maxima and minima
of the performance curves. You simply differentiate twice over, in
different senses, well simultaneously solve two differentials at any

I glad I'm not a spy

Yes, it is not all it is cracked up to be. However, there are numerous
situations where businesses can benefit from this practical

I'd prefer to start at a baboon's ass

He feeds you, don't whinge.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperdimensional constifrog? S&M B&D? Don't see WordHeretic.com

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Guy Worthington reckoned:

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I think you guys need to get a room. <g>

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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