Copy and Paste some cells, but not all



The situation I have is that I have 2 workbooks (WB1 and WB2).
--There are values in WB1 I am interested in and values that I am NOT
interested in.
--These values of interest are present in WB2, and in the very same
cells as they were in WB1. There are also extra values in WB2 that I
am interested in, but they are not present in WB1.
--Is there a way of formatting the values (ex. Bold) I am interested
in, in WB1 --> then possibly Pasting them onto WB2?

The result I am interested in would be a workbook that
--no longer has the uninteresting WB1 values
--has Bold WB1 values
--has WB2 values that have NOT been replaced by the uninteresting
values from WB1 (which would take place if I had simply Copy and
Pasted all of WB1 to WB2.

If this makes no sense, I may be able to get more specific.

James Silverton

J.Meyer wrote on 17 May 2007 08:27:19 -0700:

J> The result I am interested in would be a workbook that
J> --no longer has the uninteresting WB1 values
J> --has Bold WB1 values
J> --has WB2 values that have NOT been replaced by the
J> uninteresting values from WB1 (which would take place if I
J> had simply Copy and Pasted all of WB1 to WB2.

It depends on how many copy and pastes you might need. For a
few, you could format all of one sheet as bold and copy each
needed section. It gets more complicated to try a one-step copy
and I'll have to leave that to VBA experts.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:


It depends on how many copy and pastes you might need. For a
few, you could format all of one sheet as bold and copy each
needed section. It gets more complicated to try a one-step copy
and I'll have to leave that to VBA experts.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

It would indeed be a one-step copy because of the size of these WB1
and WB2 files.

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