Copy Across Worksheets



I am trying to create a workbook that has a large number of worksheets,
which I have created using VBA to correspond with days & dates.
I am now trying to copy the data in the first worksheet to the other 150+
sheets so they have the same core, this works great until I start to create
lists in the first sheet.

I get this error "cannot make changes to a list or xml mapping when multiple
sheets are selected" does anybody know how I can achieve this either by
creating a macro that is activated when the sheet is selected to turn the
list selection on or by copying it over.

Any help would be greatly received.

Many Thanks
Glen Knight

Dave Peterson

You've grouped the sheets so that you can apply one change and it will nail
through to the other sheets.

But one (or all) of those sheets has a list applied (data|List).

And you're trying to make a change to a cell in one of those lists.

It sure looks like excel won't let you do this.

How about this...

You set up one sheet exactly the way you want it. Then you use that as the
"template" worksheet for building the other 150+ sheets.

Your (new) macro could change the name of each of the sheets the way you want.
Probably very similar to your existing code.


OK, maybe this will be a better option, I now have the worksheet the way I
want it.

Does anybody know what the code is to move onto the next sheet, perform an
action and then move onto the next and do the same?

Alternatively does anybody know how to automatically link a the other 150+
sheets to 1 master so that this can be updated and then the rest will

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