Cookies not written to specified directory

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We have a system where you login to a web page that will write a cookie. A application, which acts as a thunking layer between the login web page
and a third application, must read the cookie to get the login details and
other credentials.

The problem that we are having is that IE 6 is intermittently not writing to
the default or specified location as per the registry key:
This entry generally has the value (as example):
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies

However, IE 6 is some instances place the cookie in the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\Cookies

It is not just our web application which write to this temp cookie folder,
but if the user navigate to say, BBC, then a cookie for that site will be
written to this folder too.

Users have been told to login and logout of their window session as a
temporary solution. Can anybody tell me why IE 6 would write to this
temporary folder rather than the folder specified in the registry?

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Chris Mouton