converting number to time



I have a column of numbers, ranging from 0 to 4000 seconds; A1 is 0, A2 is 1,
A3 is 2, etc. How do I convert that column to represent time, where 0 seconds
is 00:00:00, 1 second is 00:00:01, 2 seconds is 00:00:02, and 60 seconds is
00:01:00, etc.? Thanks.

Harald Staff

In B1:
fill down.

Or the brutal way if you can't spare the B column: Enter
in an empty cell (=the amount of seconds in a day, if you include the
night). Copy that cell. Select your A cells. Go menu Edit > Paste special,
check Divide, OK. Format the cells as time.

HTH. Best wishes Harald


Format the column as TIME (00:00:00)
Do: Select Column header and right click, format cells,time, 00:00:00

Then in the time cells simply type =A#
Where # is your data range

Works in some of my spreadsheets

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