converting js file into dll



I have a js file that is being accessed through an html page. This
requirement is not going to change.
At this time, a need has arisen for access to the functions of these
files from another program that is running in C# / .Net environmet. Is
there any way to convert this file from a js file to dll.
I have access to all the three codes, the only requirement is that we
want to maintain one version of the js file.

Here is an example of the working code:
a) HTML calling code
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="TEng.js" ></SCRIPT>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fst = 10;
var snd = 10000;
var p = new InitEngine(fst);
document.write('<BR> random: ' + p.EngineRank(snd) );

b) "TEng.js" file
function InitEngine(diObj)
// initialize the member variables for this instance
this.piObj = diObj;

// initialize the member function references for the class
if (typeof(_InitEngine_prototype_called) == 'undefined')
_InitEngine_prototype_called = true;
InitEngine.prototype.EngineRank = EngineRank;
InitEngine.prototype.rndm = rndm;
function EngineRank(posObj)
var sTmp = this.rndm(posObj, this.piObj);
return sTmp;

function rndm(a, b)
return a + Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1));

Tried compiling the dll code with visual studio's jsc command but got
the following error.
TEng.js(7,24) : error JS1135: Variable '_InitEngine_prototype_called'
has not b
een declared
TEng.js(1,9) : error JS1234: Only type and package definitions are
allowed insid
e a library


You are right: I was thinking that I needed it to be undefined... but
change the basic logic and keep the initialization process in touch.
This resolved one of the two issue. Here are the changes.
var _InitEngine_prototype_called = false;
if (_InitEngine_prototype_called == false)

Still getting the second errorJS1234: Only type and package
definitions are allowed inside a library

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