Converting hex to ascii



How do I convert a hex byte into an ascii character? I'll take an
excel formula or VB code. Either way would be fine. I could not find
an excel function to do this. I appreciate any help submitted. Thank


Rob van Gelder

It's confusing to say "hex byte" because that's mixing presentation with
storage. A Byte is a Byte and can be presented as decimal, hexadecimal,
binary, etc...

So, by Hex Byte I assume you actually mean hex string.

The first is Byte to Ascii, the secon is HexString to Ascii.

Sub test()
Dim byt As Byte, str As String

byt = &H41 'A
Debug.Print Chr(byt)

str = "41"
Debug.Print Chr("&H" & str)
End Sub

Gerrit van Stempvoort


To be able to work with hex numbers you have to install the Add-In "Analysis
Toolpack" first (Tools Menu, Add-Ins and check the Analysis Toolpack
You may need the Office Installation CD to do this.
When this is done you find a new function category (Insert Function) with
the name "Engineering". In this function category you fine several functions
like Hex2Dec.

In VB it seems to be more complicated.
The sub:

Dim Dec1 As Long

Dec1 = "&hF"

End Sub

will return the value 15 for Dec1, but if you use a variable input like in
this sub:

Dim Hex1 As String
Dim Dec1 As Long

Sub HexTest()

Hex1 = "F"
Dec1 = "&h(Hex1)"

End Sub

Then I get a "type mismatch" error.

So if someone can help me how to avoid this problem I wil be very grateful.

Thanks beforehand,


In EXCEL you have to install the

Steve Garman

Two possibilities:

Sub HexTest()
Dim hex1 As String
Dim dec1 As Integer
hex1 = "F"
dec1 = "&h" & hex1
MsgBox dec1
hex1 = "ff"
MsgBox hx2dc(hex1)
End Sub

Function hx2dc(s$) As Long
hx2dc = "&h" & s$
End Function


Thanks for your help Rob. I guess I had an older version of VB help
because I could not find any leads to the chr() function.


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