Convert XL2K wkbk w/ macros to XL97?



I've got a customer who still has XL97. As such, he can't open my workbook,
created in XL2000 and stuffed full of macros for searching, etc. I pasted
the front page data only into a new workbook and saved as XL97/2000, and he
opened it fine. But there were no macros in it, either. Is there an easy
way to convert this so he has full functionality?



Hi Ed,

For the most part, Excel 97 and 2000 are compatible with each other but, if
you construct a workbook using features that weren't available in Excel 97,
they won't work properly. Except for things that are macro-related, the
workbook should still open, though.

If you're using an Excel 2000 Auto_open macro, or macros fired by
calculation or activation events on the opening worksheet, they could stop
the workbook in its tracks if the macro uses code not supported in Excel 97.


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