Convert Number to Date



I have a number field that I want to convert to a date type field. The field
is in this format: 200706 where the year is 2007 and the 06 is the month. I
want to convert this to a field where I would have a date field of month and
year, i.e. 06/2007. Then I want to delete any data that is 18 months older
than this date. I have a query that first converts the field to a number
field of 06012007 and another query that converts this to a date field
Then I was going to calculate 18 months back and run a delete query for that
portion of it. I am sure there is a way to avoid 1 query and just convert
the 200706 to a month year field and calculate 18 months back from there.
Can someone please help.



First Back Up your data, so you'll have an option to recover

You can try something like

Select * From TableName
Where DateSerial(Left([FieldName],4),Mid([FieldName],5,2),1) <

Adding 1 to the day in the DateSerial, that way we avoiding another query
And the DateAdd will subtruct 18 month from the current date

Stefan Hoffmann

hi Rob,
I have a number field that I want to convert to a date type field. The field
is in this format: 200706 where the year is 2007 and the 06 is the month. I
want to convert this to a field where I would have a date field of month and
year, i.e. 06/2007.
=DateSerial(Left([yourField], 4), Right([yourField], 2), 1)

--> stefan <--

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