Convert multiple .jpg to powerpoint slides



I have several .jpg filse I'd like to make into a slide
presentation. Is there an easier way to import/convert
other than creating each new slide and importing the pics
one at a time?


I have PPT 2000. Any way to easily accomplish this?
-----Original Message-----
If you have PPT 2002 or 2003, there is
an "Insert", "Picture", "New Photo


DO get that "add-in" tool!!

Shyam Pillai (sp?) is a GREAT guy - actually lives in India, and i've gotten VERY QUICK and GREAT responses from him asking about his add-ins and a few other questions

for the price ($20?) his IMPORT WIZARD is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!! :) will bring in hundreds of photos, either imported into new slides or as backgrounds in a few seconds! works great -

earlier this year we got his 3-license pack of that one and another add-in of his that also is a lifesaver if you do ppt for a living - HANDOUT WIZARD - lets you customize the layout of handouts (like persuasion used to be :) so you can have total control over the size/placement/shape etc... of slides on your handout

the show doctor

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