convert from percentage of time to time using complex formula in .



I am doing a report from a system that works in a percentage of an hour, for
example 0.50 is equal to 30mins, 1.32 is equal to 118mins. is there a formula
in excel that can work this out?


Apart from the fact that 118 minutes can never be 1.32 hours, if you multiply
by 60, you'll get pretty close. However, 118 minutes is equal to about 1.97

Bernard Liengme

For time, Excel works in fractions of a day
You are working in fraction (NOT percentages) of an hour
With 0.5 in A1, the formula =A1/24 in B1 will display 0:30 when formatted
with h:mm
If you want move than 24 houses, use the format [hh]:mm
best wishes

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