Convert excel formulas from worksheets into standalone ie. databas



We have written an extensive programme using excel & VBA. We use a
combination of calculations & lookups in excel for some of our database
equivalent functions & VBA to control loops, data entry etc.
Due to different versions of excel & trying to distribute our software to
different users we are finding that we need to make the software standalone.
Is there a way of converting existing formulas in excel into an equivalent
standalone ie database so we have an exe. file so we can distribute the
programme to any user and not be concerned about the version of excel they
are using. I am open to suggestions or if you need clarification i can
clarify. We are prepared to recode if required.

Bob Phillips

You could convert to a VB executable and a mdb database using SQL to access
the data, but it is going to be a lot of work changing all of the
calculations (i.e. re-writing you own functions), the lookups (ditto), and
presenting the data.

A better way IMO is to develop your Excel app on the lowest version that you
will be using in production. Backwards compatibility is pretty secure
(although they did drop FileSearch in Excel 2007).



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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